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"Challenges and Considerations for Accessibility Research Across Cultures and Regions" workshop at ASSETS'24

Important dates

Postcolonial and decolonial computing examines how technology design and adoption can perpetuate subtle dimensions of coloniality, under-represent certain regions (e.g., the Global South, non-Western regions, Indigenous societies), and marginalize them. There has been a growing interest in interdisciplinary research focusing on marginalized communities, including accessibility and participatory research. Despite the rapid expansion of accessibility research in the last decades, little focus is placed on accessibility issues within marginalized societies, hindering them from effectively benefiting from accessibility research discussions and outcomes. The accessibility and HCI communities still lack comprehensive knowledge on conducting interdisciplinary research that includes diverse cultures and experiences from some of the systematically marginalized regions. This workshop will explore the intersection of accessibility, HCI, and cross-regional studies, bringing together researchers and practitioners to foster collaborations, identify under-explored research areas, and develop guidelines to support inclusive research practices.

Download our workshop proposal paper to learn more


To submit your material (e.g., position paper, poster, video, etc) please refer to this link.


It is a requirement that at least one author of each accepted submission attend the workshop and that all participants must register for the workshop.

Workshop registration link:

Submission details:

  • Format:

  • What to include in submissions:

    • ​Include a bio of each author

    • Reflect on your field of work, why you are interested in attending our workshop, how your work relates to the workshop goals, and what you expect to achieve from the workshop.

    • You are encouraged to include questions you would like to discuss in the workshop.

  • Who should make a submission? We welcome submissions from anyone (students, faculty, designers, practitioners, researchers, etc.) currently working or interested in exploring the intersection of HCI and accessibility research with cross-regional topics.

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